HomeCONSTRUCTIVEThe Electric Wolf in not-so-sheeplike clothing

The Electric Wolf in not-so-sheeplike clothing

Fenrisúlfr : a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology
Fenris : an electric motorcycle company in Copenhagen

Jesper Vind built his first motorcycle when he was 8. Or rather, he rebuilt an old 100cc S.C.O. on his grandfather’s farm (it was his grandmother’s bike).

“If I could make it run, I could have it.”

The Electric Wolf in not-so-sheeplike clothingSCO Grand Standard

Jesper has been riding motorcycles ever since.

In Africa, while conducting research on shea nuts and kernels for the Savannah Fruits Company (2004 – 2007) and the European Union (2007 – 2011), Jesper used a motorcycle as “a tool” – putting three to four-thousand kilometers a month on his bike, a Yamaha AG 200.

So how did he go from the business end of a petrol-fueled motorcycle made for agriculture, military and humanitarian aid to building an electric superbike? He credits his change in trajectory to an interview with Michael Czysz.


Michael Czysz was the architect (literally – his architectural firm was called architropolis) behind the creation of the MotoCzysz E1pc – an electric superbike that took first place at the inaugural Isle of Mann TT Zero electric motorsport event in 2010 (TT = time trial – a single lap around the 37.7 mile Isle of Man Road Course). MotoCzysz went on to win first (and second place in 2011) three more years in a row. Although Michael Czysz died in May of 2016 from a rare form of cancer, his famous superbikes live on in electric motorsports history.

His interview with Michael would inspire Jesper to pursue building an electric superbike of his own.

2010-2011 Jesper’s first prototype is “a garage project” – converting a Honda CBR 600 F into an electric bike.

2012-2013 Realizing that electric motorcycles were being built the same way as internal combustion bikes, the Fenris team sets out to design a motorcycle “from the ground up.” The goal is to develop electric motorcycles that are faster, safer and better handling than the competition. Jesper funds the entire process. The result?

Quite possibly a revolution in how electric motorcycles will be built.

Fenris ChasisFenris Chasis

“You repeat what you know. An electric motorcycle is something new.” – Jesper Vind

2014 – now Investors are attracted by gaining attention through MotoE racing. This funding allows for “under the radar” serial development. Fenris Motorcycles makes its official debut in December, 2016.

The Fenris Launch in 2016Fenris launchFenris launch
Fenris Launch 2Fenris Launch 2

“We are not competing with motorcycles. Other than having two wheels, electric and traditional bikes have as much in common as cell phones and wall phones.” – Jesper Vind

By focusing on an innovative platform rather than battery technology, Fenris anticipates leapfrogging the competition, capitalizing on the advances that will be made in battery technology by the automotive industry as pours its energy, efforts and billions of dollars into electric vehicle development.

Fenris CADFenris CAD

This Fenrisúlfr will stand out with what’s underneath its not-so-sheeplike (yet familiar) exterior – an innovative chassis, along with one of the most energy-dense electric motors on the market. Remember, the build criteria includes faster.

Fenris HeroFenris Hero

The unique platform design will also allow for rapid development of additional models targeted toward Millenials who still “want to be cool” while also being environmentally conscious.
Twin PlatformsTwin Platforms
Because these younger riders aren’t into “wrenching” on a motorcycle (and may not even have a clue as to how), Jesper believes that electric motorcycles will have a huge appeal. And with a Fenris motorcycle, they will get “high performance and (be) green.”

Pricing for the Fenris motorcycle is expected to be on par with a high-end Ducati or BMW. But unlike those bikes, a Fenris will have much less maintenance and cheaper Total Cost of Ownership. After all, it’s electric.

We’re glad Jesper accepted the challenge to rebuild his grandmother’s bike. Just look at what it eventually led to: an electric superbike that is anything but just “a tool.”

Fenris appears to be a true revolution in the way motorcycles will be built.

Fenris TeamFenris Team


Watch the Fenris video:

All photos, videos and graphic images courtesy of FENRIS MOTORCYCLES.


Written by Darrell Williams.

ABOUT The Road Electric
Published by Alternativengine


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