While manufacturers like TESLA, GM and Nissan have helped propel public awareness of electric vehicles, there is a rich and wonderful diversity of electric transportation to be explored.

Here is a quick tour.

THE WORLD IS NOT TESLAsoloELECTRA MECCANICA SOLO The wonderful, affordable, single occupant vehicle from Vancouver, Canada. With two wheels in front and one in the rear, it’s classified as a motorcycle which avoids many automotive safety regulations. Even with a healthy dose of skepticism – it’s incorrigibly cute.

tropostroposTROPOS MOTORS ABLE A brilliant little low-speed, low-cost electric utility vehicle you might hope to find plying campuses, business parks and even local surface streets. “Costing only pennies per mile for electricity, and with practically zero powertrain maintenance required the Tropos Motors™ ABLE™ is extremely inexpensive to operate.”

ubcoubcoUBCO 2×2 An all-terrain bike with power in both wheels. The rugged, utilitarian design stands out from the crowd of electric scooters with practical appeal. With a potential range of 75 miles, you’ll be able to mend a lot of fences on the back forty without fear of not getting home. If you ever rode a Tote Gote from the 60’s, you’ll appreciate UBCO’s ability to turn outdoor tasks into hard-working fun.

arcimotoarcimotoARCIMOTO FUV Speaking of fun, in a smart marketing move this ambitious company from Eugene, Oregon has created a new category of transportation to help drivers embrace its open-air three-wheeled EV. Introducing the Fun Utility Vehicle. Up to 75 mph and 100 miles in range. Like the SOLO, it qualifies as a motorcycle, but in this case actually delivers a motorcycle-like experience. On a sunny day, whizzing around in your planet-friendly little Arcimoto is sure to attract attention (and be incredibly cheap to operate). But unlike the SOLO, you can actually take along a friend in tandem. As long as the weather holds, you’re in for a FUN electric experience.

e-maharie-mahariCITROËN E-MEHARI Who can resist this charming electric version of Citroën’s legendary MEHARI. Unlike the original, the E-MEHARI can be equipped with a removable hard top. As they say in France, Cabriolet. For some insight into the MEHARI, read the past article “Chameau électrique” from The Road. Update: The E-Mehari is no longer in production.

zerozeroZERO S/RF Arguably the most recognizable electric motorcycle brand on the planet, Zero has cracked the code on “I want that” with the new S/RF. With peak torque of 140 ft/lb., a top speed of 124 mph and up to 200 miles of range, this electric bike means business when it comes to attracting a new breed of rider with a pocketful of money.

lion electriclion electricLION ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUS Kids, this is the way to go to school. Zero emissions and no diesel roar. It’s time for fume-belching transportation to take a back seat. Range: 65 to 155 miles (100 to 250 km) per charge hauling up to 72 passengers. Uphill, both ways, in the snow. Built by Lion Electric of Saint-Jérôme, Québec.

cebc boatcebc boatCANADIAN ELECTRIC BOAT COMPANY The road doesn’t stop at land’s end. Canadian Electric Boat Company makes virtually silent, pollution-free marine transportation that propels you across the water in style. From the harbor-hopping Fantail (like the one pictured above) to a classic runabout Bruce22 inspired by the 1947 Chris-Craft. With BMW lithium batteries. If you’re looking for an outboard, CEBC makes THE VOLT, which will pair quite nicely with the high-power Torqeedo Deep Blue 50 electric drive system.

luka evluka evMW MOTORS LUKAThis retro-cool EV from the Czech Republic speaks for itself.luka backluka backluka3luka3luka sideluka sidelukachargelukacharge


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